Anti-Discrimination Cell Anti-Discrimination Cell

Anti-Discrimination Cell

Anti-Discrimination Cell

The University provides everybody with equal opportunity into its fold irrespective of caste, religion, language or based on gender.

The University ensures that every individual inside the campus exercise & acquire equal rights in the process of offering or receiving education. Justice, Peace and Revolution are the roots based on which the living system exist in the campus. Any act, speech or intention that perturbs the harmony amongst people is seriously regarded and dealt on immediate basis to restore the peace. The University has constituted the Anti-Discrimination Cell in compliance to the UGC regulations (Promotion of Equity in Higher Educational Institutions).

Constitution of the Anti-Discrimination Cell

  • Dr. Ritu Chandra, Principal, IER (Chairperson)
  • Dr. Anushree Singh, Dean, Faculty of Management (Member)
  • Dr. Shweta Shukla, Asst. Professor, Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences (Member)
  • Dr. Om Prakash, Director, Training & Placement (Member)


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