Women Empowerment

SRMU focuses on unique women empowerment initiatives which engage, sensitize and empower the students and faculty of the institution towards the cause of gender equality. With the motto of “Educate and Empower”, the university organizes and celebrate women's day, guest lectures, workshops and awareness programs on various women related issues to equip them with wide range of skills and knowledge for the betterment of self and society. The university also focuses on empowering and strengthening their confidence to be the future women leaders, technocrats, entrepreneurs and scientists. Regular sessions are organized to instil self-confidence and ethical values and make them realize their potential.

We Believe in

  • Create gender sensitivity awareness among students and create positive values supporting girls/ women's and their rights.
  • Provide an integrated and interdisciplinary approach to understand the social and cultural constructions of gender that shape
    the experiences of women and men in society.
  • Generate awareness regarding equality in law, social system and democratic activities.
  • Maintain a good workplace free from discrimination and bullying.
  •  Enable girls to have a wider role in decision-making.
  •  Prevent and respond to gender-based violence.
  • Maintain gender equality in teaching and education systems.
  • Create a gender-inclusive learning environment.
  •  Conduct regular awareness activities among students and staff.
  • Provide facilities and infrastructure for staff and students.


  • 250+
    1090 Power Angels
  • 150+
    1090 Power Heroes
  • 100+
    NCC Cadets (Female)

We believe in equality, inclusiveness, respect for human dignity, fairness and justice for all which is reflected in an unbiased recognition and representation of women and men in all areas to thrive.

Establishment of NCC

NCC took its root in university with the sanction of a platoon of 55 girl cadets by 20 UP Girls BN on 20th June 2014. These girl cadets undergo a training of three years to earn NCC “C” Certificate.

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Women’s Cell

The women’s cell was initiated to preserve the security of female staff and for handling their grievances at the university. It promotes well-being at workplace and provides a platform for informal interaction, sharing of views and experiences.

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Special Camps on health & hygiene

In addition to the menstrual health and hygiene session, free distribution of sanitary napkins with the support of Unicharm, counseling sessions and free interaction with gynaecologist, awareness program were organized to enlighten the women working with SRMU and the women from neighbouring villages. More than 200 rural women have been benefitted during the last 5 years.

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Community Engagement Program

University has partnered with WCSO for running gender sensitization workshops and training programs for police females of local rural areas. It also aims at creating awareness among girls regarding sexual harassment and self-defence.

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Appointment of Power Angles

Regular sessions by 1090 Women Powerline have been organized in the campus at regular intervals. These sessions have been presided over by senior officials of 1090 Women Powerline. 250+ girls of university have been appointed as Power Angels.

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Self-Defence Workshops

Several self-defence workshops have been organized in the campus for female students and staff in association with Red Brigade. Girls are taught ultimate tactical & combat krav maga Israeli Self-Defence & Combat fighting techniques.

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