Modern fertilizers, innovative farming methods, and cutting-edge crop-improvement technology are all used in agriculture today. Agriculture is a challenging and dynamic sector that calls for ingenuity, analytical thinking, and a solid grasp of scientific concepts. It continues to hold a position of enormous social and economic relevance in terms of guaranteeing the wellbeing and advancement of society while also preserving the standard of living for the populace.
One undergraduate curriculum in the realm of agriculture is the B.Sc. (Agri) program. This research has agriculture as its primary emphasis. As one of the top universities in Uttar Pradesh, SRMU introduces its students to cutting edge technology in farming, irrigation, and other related fields. Along with teaching scientific abilities, the curriculum also teaches agricultural product marketing. The purpose of this research is to raise students' understanding of real-world rural environments and help them comprehend the issues faced by farmers and other rural residents.
The degree incorporates all the Fifth Dean’s Committee of the ICAR on Agriculture Education recommendations on course curricula and syllabus. It also plans to follow Student Ready (Rural Entrepreneurship Development Yojana) approach comprising Experimental Learning/Hands down Training; Skill Development Training; Rural Agriculture Work Experience (RAWE) incorporating field Training/Industrial Attachment, etc.
The Purpose is to produce efficient agri-technocrats who cater to increased demand for professionals for education, research, development, extension and consultancy in agriculture. Possibilities for students who graduate from one of the top agriculture colleges in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, with a B.Sc. in Agriculture degree are almost endless.
Join SRMU for B.Sc. (Hons.) in Agriculture in Lucknow. Admissions for 2024 are now open! Cultivate your future in agriculture with our comprehensive program.