Master of Arts in Sociology is a two-year degree program that combines theoretical understanding and interdisciplinary research for academic purposes and practical training in research, evaluation and policy execution. SRMU is ranked as the best M.A. in Sociology College in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, which enables the students to link sociological theories to the everyday life in the society. It serves the communities through identification of the social problem and its causes, evaluation of the programmes to reduce poverty, unemployment, malnutrition and eliminate the inequalities existing in the society. This will be possible through theoretical understanding, praxis in the field work and report writing.
Students of M.A. in Sociology have an option of specializing in Urban Studies, Sociology of Rural Development, Sociology of Deviance and Crime, Science, Technology and Society, Sociology of Organisations, Sociology of Marginalized Communities, Sociology of Education, Political Sociology, Sociology of Media and Mass Communication, Sociology of Health and Medicine, Sociology of Religion, and Environment and Society.