TEDx SRMU GLOBAL, organized at Shri Ramswaroop Memorial University (SRMU), transcends geographical boundaries to create an intellectually stimulating platform that showcases a diverse array of global perspectives and groundbreaking ideas. As an extension of the renowned TEDx program, this event brings together speakers and thought leaders from across the globe, offering a unique opportunity for the audience to engage with innovative concepts, inspiring stories, and transformative visions. The talks span a spectrum of topics, ranging from technology and science to culture, education, and social issues, fostering an environment of cross-cultural dialogue and collaborative thinking.

TEDx SRMU GLOBAL not only serves as a bridge connecting the SRMU community with global thought leaders but also amplifies the university's commitment to providing a space for the exchange of impactful ideas. By hosting this global event, SRMU underscores its dedication to cultivating an international perspective and fostering a community that values the power of knowledge and shared experiences. TEDx SRMU GLOBAL becomes a nexus where intellectual curiosity knows no bounds, allowing attendees to broaden their horizons and gain insights that transcend borders, ultimately contributing to a more interconnected and enlightened global community.