TEDx SRMULive, an exhilarating and intellectually stimulating event organized at Shri Ramswaroop Memorial University (SRMU), stands as a testament to the institution's commitment to fostering innovative ideas and insightful dialogue. This live edition of the renowned TEDx series serves as a platform where thought leaders, professionals, and visionaries converge to share their inspiring stories and groundbreaking ideas. With a diverse lineup of speakers covering a spectrum of topics, TEDx SRMULive transcends conventional boundaries, offering the university community a unique opportunity to engage with transformative concepts and perspectives.

Beyond its immediate impact, TEDx SRMULive contributes to the university's broader mission of nurturing a community that values intellectual curiosity, diversity of thought, and the transformative potential of ideas. By hosting this live event, SRMU reinforces its dedication to providing a platform for innovative thinking and contributing to the global conversation on matters that shape our world. TEDx SRMULive becomes a memorable and enriching experience, leaving a lasting imprint on the minds of those who engage with the profound narratives and thought leadership presented on its stage.